Celebrating the Women Behind-The-Scenes at Sprout Organic HQ

From our entire team here at Sprout Organic, we want to say a huge Happy International Women’s Day! Today is for acknowledging, celebrating and appreciating all the incredible women in the world! To all the amazing mums, daughters, sisters, friends - we’re grateful for you every day, but today we say a special thank you.

We wanted to take this day as an opportunity to shine a light on the incredible women who work behind the scenes at Sprout to help us achieve our mission of providing healthy, wholesome plant-based nutrition for parents all around the world and giving them a choice.


Q: Tell us a bit about yourself! 


A: Being a graphic designer for over 15 years, I have a passion for anything design-related, whether it’s type, packaging, logo design or brand identity., - and a good coffee! I love being a mum and spending time with my husband and our two boys (7 and 3 years old) and enjoy pilates and yoga.
 I’m also a novice gardener, taking on every piece of golden advice from my green thumb parents and in-laws!


Q: What is your role at Sprout Organic and what brought you here?


A: When my mastermind husband (Selasi) had an idea to fill a gap in the market of plant-based formula, my mind started racing with design ideas for the look and feel of the brand. It all came about very naturally being a designer and mum with an interest in all things plant-based.

Being exposed to so much deception and trickery on product labels over my years in design, I knew exactly what other brands were doing to win over their consumers. However, for Sprout, being a brand that doesn’t hide any ingredients and has complete transparency in every facet, the authenticity of the brand had to shine through and the design to reflect that. Along with the help from the insanely creative team we have, the Sprout vision came to life and I couldn’t be prouder of what we’ve achieved.


Q: What does International Women’s Day mean to you?


It’s a day to honour and celebrate past achievements of women and recognise the struggles many women still face today, not only in our own personal lives but around the world. 
It is so important that women are represented and advocated for in all of their diversities, that they feel safe, supported and empowered. The world is not gender-equal yet. So it’s a reminder to speak up whenever we see inequalities, and to uplift and support each other, regardless of gender. 


Q: Who is the most inspirational woman in your life?


My mother. As someone who has been faced with many adversities throughout her life, she has continually risen above it and proven to herself time and again that she can define her own narrative. She is the most unconditionally loving person I will ever know, and she has always supported me on every level.

Q: What message would you share to encourage, inspire or empower other women - mothers, daughters, sisters - reading this?


Becoming a mother of boys made it so much more apparent of the importance of raising them to be respectful of women. I believe that is where it all starts. Something I read that really spoke to me was a quote from Shannon Alder:

“To be a mother of a son is one of the most important things you can do to change the world. Raise them to respect women, raise them to stand up for others, raise them to be kind.” 

I think this also translates past being a mother and on to every person you encounter in life - when we are continually advocating for women and for equal opportunities, we can only progress to bridge the gender gap that currently exists.




Q: Tell us a bit about yourself! 

A: I've been lucky enough to find a way to combine my passion with my everyday job. With any spare moment I have, I try to enjoy it with my partner out in nature, because I'm slowly going blind from many hours behind a computer screen!

Q: What is your role at Sprout Organic and what brought you here?

A: I'm the Business Manager at Sprout Organic, and was recently appointed as a director. What brought me here is my drive to work for a company that puts its mission into action by creating products that provide a solution to improving children's health, and re-balancing our food system with regards to ethics and sustainability.

Q: What does International Women’s Day mean to you?

A: It's a day to reflect on the progress we've made, yet also think about how we can support each other in our everyday lives, particularly those we have the power to help.

Q: Who is the most inspirational woman in your life?

A: My Mum! She's one of the most compassionate and intelligent souls I know and I've always deeply respected the example she sets, far more than any specific accomplishment, award, or material view of success we generally uphold as a society. My mum has always encouraged me to make my own decisions and forge my own path, despite not having the same views and beliefs as me personally. I think that speaks volumes about a parent - when you choose to support and encourage your kids, despite their choices being different to what you may have chosen, or perhaps want them to choose. I love her to bits.

Q: What message would you share to encourage, inspire or empower other women - mothers, daughters, sisters - reading this?

A: Never be afraid to ask for what you want.



Q: Tell us a bit about yourself!


A: My name is Cristie and I am a proud mother of two little humans, Sunny (4 years old) and Indie (2 years old). I love health, fitness and the outdoors, and when we’re not working, my husband and I love spending lots of our time camping with the little ones or renovating our house! I also love travel and have had the privilege of visiting over 35 countries, and I look forward to showing my children the world in the future. 

In my professional past, I have worn many different hats. I was a qualified computer technician, a colon hydrotherapist and wellness consultant, a kickboxing instructor, a purser on a superyacht, and now I am the Customer Service Manager and Events & Partnership Coordinator for Sprout Organic. 


Q: What is your role at Sprout Organic and what brought you here?


A: I work full time as the main contact for Sprout Organic customers and pride myself on making sure I can assist parents with their feeding journeys as much as I can, through the easy times and the tough times! By far the most rewarding job for me is being a mother, and I love that my position at Sprout allows me to interact with other mums, dads and little people to make their lives a little easier and more exciting! 

I have had extensive experience with breastfeeding and formula feeding, and also lots of experience with fussy toddlers, so my role here allows me to share my first-hand experience with the products being used for my own children. I love being able to share a product that is improving the health of little ones, and I am so excited to share it with parents that feel like they have no other options. 

Q: What does International Women’s Day mean to you?


A: I have so many influential women in my life, and it's a great day to celebrate not only them but women all around the world for their political, social, economic and cultural achievements. 


Q: Who is the most inspirational woman in your life?


I imagine this would be a very common answer, but the most influential woman in my life would have to be my mum. She is selfless and puts others before herself on so many occasions. The most important thing to her is her family and the wellbeing of others, and I feel like I have gained all of my motherly skills and ability to empathise with people from her. I don't know a more caring, kind and gentle person than my mum, and I wish everyone in the world had a mother like mine because it would be a much better place. I am so lucky to have grown up under her wing.


Q: What message would you share to encourage, inspire or empower other women - mothers, daughters, sisters - reading this?


A: My message to mothers: You are doing a great job! If you are doing the best you can, your little ones appreciate it, no matter what. You are their hero and their number 1. 

To all women: You are kind, you are strong, you are brave, you are confident, you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are loved xx



Q: Tell us a bit about yourself!

A: I'm Bec. I've got Italian on one side and a family of chefs on the other, meaning food is what I'm all about. So much so that my professional background is in Nutrition and Dietetics and I absolutely love cooking, trying new foods and bringing plant-based meals to the ones I love.

In my spare time, I run my own business Plantful Pregnancy, enjoy a good soy-latte, and love exploring the great outdoors whenever I can. Oh and this year, I started pottery. 

Q: What is your role at Sprout Organic and what brought you here?  

A: I'm the Business Development Manager at Sprout Organic! I've been with the team for a little over a month now and the biggest factor that drew me to Sprout Organic was the opportunity to make a positive difference to our food supply by supporting Mums to nourish their little ones with organic, wholesome and plant-based ingredients.  

Q: What does International Women’s Day mean to you? 

A: To me, International Women's Day is about reflecting on our accomplishments and achievements as individuals and as a collective (even the little, every day wins). I think all too often we forget that being a mum is a full-time job, where the unspoken expectation is that you juggle it all. Today is a timely reminder that you don't have to do it all or juggle it all to be successful and celebrate your achievements. Being a Mum and raising the next generation is a huge achievement in itself. 

Q: Who is the most inspirational woman in your life? 

A: My Mum. She taught me to stand up for what I believe and never stop pursuing your dreams. 

Q: What message would you share to encourage, inspire or empower other women - mothers, daughters, sisters - reading this?

A: Be there for each other and celebrate the everyday wins! It's a lifetime of daily and weekly wins that add up to a life of fulfilment, purpose and passion...Oh and stop trying to do it all. Ask the experts for support. Hire that cleaner. Order those meals. Fill your own cup up first. 


Q: Tell us a bit about yourself! 

A: My name is Tassija - I am Croatian and Serbian (crazy right) and I am obsessed with my cats! I love to cook, it is probably my favourite thing to do, and I enjoy working out or humbling myself by running along Burleigh Esplanade (I get over-taken a lot). 

I spend a lot of my time laying in the sun (with the cats!), going for a swim, or trying to find new things to do. I’m only freshly 21, so my professional experience isn’t extensive. However, I have an administrative background and am extremely motivated to continue to excel throughout my life!

Q: What is your role at Sprout Organic and what brought you here? 

A: My role at Sprout Organic is Sales Administrator and my career goal of becoming an Executive Assistant is what brought me to Sprout.

Q: What does International Women’s Day mean to you? 

A: IWD means to me, a day to recognise the influential and amazing women in our lives. It is a day to appreciate all the hard-working, admirable, and glorious females! 

Q: Who is the most inspirational woman in your life? 

A: My mum – she raised 6 kids on her own - had breast cancer (twice) and became a widow all at the same time. She killed it – and if I could be half the woman she is, I would be grateful!

Q: What message would you share to encourage, inspire or empower other women - mothers, daughters, sisters - reading this? 


A: “I raise up my voice—not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. … We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back." - Malala Yousafzai

1 comment

  • Danielle

    Loved this article and being able to put a face to name of beautiful Cristie who has helped me on a couple of occasions by providing an emergency supply of formula when my dairy free baby couldn’t have anything else & the supermarket shelves were empty.

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